What fun it must have been to pile the family in this and head off for a day in the country! Notice the picnic basket tied onto the back...
1906 Packard
Model: S or 24
Body Style: Touring
Chassis & Body by: Packard Motor Car Company of Detroit, Michigan
Engine: 349.9 cid T-head 4 with 24hp
Wow. What a way to go.
Nice, I would like to ride around with the top down.
It's a beautiful car!
Wow! That is neat car. I wonder what the people of yeasteryear would think of the cars today. MB
The VERY first Packard, built in 1899, still exists and still runs! It is in the National Packard Museum in Warren, Ohio.
This series on old cars has been just fabulous but I think today's is my favourite.Would love to see this in person, up close and personal, as it were.
You are more than welcome to quote "Louis" about the Studebakers. More HERE.
"Louis" has added a link to your blog.
Are you giving Frequent Flyer miles for "Louis" to keep stopping by? Evidently he thinks so, because here he is again! "Louis" e-mailed the link to your blog to his friends whom he knows like old cars. He also posted a link to it at Chuck Pefley's "Extra Depth" for One A Day - Mostly Seattle.
This car would like to go on the road again
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