It's been a while since I posted a picture of our 'little' piggie. He's not so little anymore! He still loves to be scratched and will run around and play with the boys & dogs - his little tail a-wagging! It's really cute. During our big family Christmas party a couple of weeks ago, he had lots of visitors and he was just so happy to see everyone. Especially since most of them brought him something to eat or drink!
He sure is growing---as 'little' piggies do. Will he someday grace your table? MB
That's the plan. It was easier the last time we did it - there were 2 of them, they were in a pen in the barn where we never saw them, and they were MEAN. This guy is going to be really tough to part with...
My gosh he has grown! I guess they don't call them piggies for nothing :)
I also want to see your 2 other little piggies!
I missed seeing the piglet . . . but enjoy seeing the toddler . . . I enjoyed your snow series. There might be some good books on animal tracks at your public library.
Is Little Piggie destined to become a ham? I hate to think of that.
Nearly ready for eating.
A happy ham is a tasty ham, is what I say!
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