You can chalk this up as yet another job that I could never do - leaning out of a bucket, high above the electrical wires, cutting branches off the tops of trees! But, I greatly appreciate the service of the men (and women) that do this job. The past couple of weeks we have seen these trucks all up and down the roads. They are cutting down any branches that overhang the wires, so that during our winter storms the branches won't fall down and disconnect our service. "An ounce of prevention..." I think it's great! On Friday, one of them walked up our driveway and apologized for the fact that they were going to have to take down some of the trees on our lawn that were threatening our wires. I surprised him by saying "Yay!" We've been worried about those trees for the four years that we have lived up here. Now, they are gone and they were kind enough to leave behind a pile of firewood. And they were very careful not to disturb our horse fencing, which I appreciated. He was also concerned that the noisy equipment would bother the horses. I told him not to worry - exposure to loud noises is good for them. It keeps them from getting scared when we encounter equipment in our travels. The horses never even batted an eye at the saws & trucks. They just kept munching on their breakfast...
Looks like COLD just got COLDER for these workers!
Interesting that the horses didn't get scared. Maybe they were too hungry.
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