The penguins were all very excited about their lunch! What a fun job that must be, although that water looked very chilly. I got a chuckle out of the photo below....the staff had a checklist so that they could make sure that each penguin ate properly. It looked like the penguins were reading the list too..."I'm pretty sure it says on there that I get another one. Yup, right there. See? That's me, #342. I get an extra fish!" Sure you do, buddy...

Aha, that's cute!
I always thought that working at the zoo or Sea World would be a blast!
Cute little guys, short, but cute!
The bottom photo is hilarious. They do look like they're reading the list to make sure they get their due. :-)
Great series!! Well thaey have to make sure that the other guy doesn't get his fish.
What fun for you and the boys to get out of the snow for a little while . MB
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