Monday, September 29, 2008

Mr. Piggie

Here is a picture of my son with the pig that he caught at the fair. Piggies love to be scratched!


Unknown said...

They are so cute! Both of them! :-)
Yesterday photo is just great!

Jim Klenke said...

Did he get to keep the pig?

Saretta said...

He caught the pig and got to keep it? If your kids like animals, show them our (much more domestic) pets at my other blog:

alice said...

And to roll in the mud...! But you already have a beautiful basin! ;-)

crittoria said...

He did get to keep the pig! And we are all really enjoying him. He's wicked cute!! For some reason, he does prefer the mud to the nice basin we have provided, Alice. ;-)

Tanya Breese said...

Oh my that is cute! How big will he get? I want a pig just like this, but only on the condition he stays the size of Wilbur ;)

Small City Scenes said...

Sweet. I love baby pigs.
A few years back I got the overflow from a farmer when his sow had too many babies. I kept them in the house and bottle fed them. Fun!! MB