Our team penning club was asked to ride in the Turner (about 1/2 hour East of West Paris) 4th of July Parade. My husband took the camera, so today I get to make a cameo appearance on my blog! Can you pick me out of this group of riders? I was so happy to be there - it has always been one of my dreams to ride in a parade!
Are you on the right? I'm trying to pick out the one with a curly hair.
The low angle your husband chose was really great ... It makes these horse riders look majestic!
So which one is you? :)
Of course - you're the one with the big smile! This is an impressive troupe. Congratulations on attaining your dream, and Happy 4th!
Hi Crittoria,
I wonder if horses, like these, enjoy the walk? Or do you suppose they would rather be in the stall eating oats? I like the looks on some of their faces, like they don't remember ever being there before.
I think this is one of the best photographs I have seen today. It is very encouraging and your photography is spot on.
I really admire your selection of what to photograph and you did a good job of it too. Your critical eye for composition, lighting and texture is also refreshing.
Abraham Lincoln
—Brookville Daily Photo
Even if I can't pick you out, this is still a great, great 4th of July photo! Thanks to you and your husband.
Portland Oregon Daily Photo
I'm the one in the back, in the middle of the group on the big gray horse. That's my Kitch!!
As long as they're in a group, I do think they're happy to be walking along, Abraham. The only time they really fuss and insist that we go back home is when they are by themselves. And each of these horses has spent alot of time around crowds, vehicles, etc, so the noises and commotion doesn't bother them at all...
It's a wonderful site to see wandering down the local high street.
Great way to celebrate your special day over there.
A proud parade! Is it you with the white shirt?
I love a parade when there are lots of horses.
When my kids were young and I was the 4H leader we rode in all the local parades----well I didn't get to ride I was the designated pooper scooper. In costume so nobody knew it was me. LOL MB
Your husband did a great job. Great looking group of riders. I had to cheat and read the comments to see which one was you.
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