From this angle you can see Route 219 heading to Greenwood...
While I was over on this side of the cliffs, I made an interesting discovery - deer droppings! Do you suppose they enjoy the view like we do? There certainly isn't much grazing up there on the rocks, so I don't know why else they would be out there...
I just love the trees. Maybe this is the deers blueberry hill and they were looking for a thrill.
This is a magnificent scene and things like this must account, in some way, for people staying there through those long and cold winters.
Deer are probably always looking for food, water and shelter in that order and it doesn't come without some risk. Like crossing that highway to get food, water, and shelter.
Beautiful shot. Deer travel far and wide looking for water.
Deer are browsers as well as grazers, so they eat new leaf growth on shrubs and trees too. Nice views you have in this series!
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