I love these rambling old farmhouses with the barn attached to the house via the shed. Nowadays they are considered a fire hazard and I've been told that some insurance companies won't cover them. After all, barns are thought to be at high risk for fire, and if the home is connected to it, there's a good chance that it would burn too, in the event of a fire. I grew up in one of these farmhouses though, and personally I think it's worth the risk. It's so much more pleasant to have a shed to walk through on your way to tend the animals during a storm...
Beautiful house. I have only seen a few like that out here. In fact 2 of them are newer homes. Odd,eh? MB
I have never seen a farm house with a barn attached before. None around here where I live. I like it though. It reminds me of similar arrangements in Japan and in other Asian countries.
Nice photography.
Superb house
It is necessary to put fire at the insurance companies
Beautiful looking house. It must have been wonderful growing up in a house like that. I can imagine all the hiding places for a young kid to find.
I have never seen a house with a barn attached. My parents lived in a house upstairs with the stables downstairs. Does that count?
Went to the arena again tonight, got more pics. I am going to save them until probably next week.
It is an absolutely beautiful home that speaks of comfort. Particularly the porch is what I would love to have - sit and enjoy watching the world go by.
Nice building, I think it's a villa not a farm house.
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