I figure if I'm going to be complete, then I need to show you the 'dark' side of town. This is the West Paris Transfer Station. This is where many people go on Saturday morning. The boys & dogs love to ride along with Dad, and I went this time to take a picture, but it's really not my idea of an adventure. But, alas, we all make a lot of trash and this is where it goes.... an intermediate stop probably towards waste to energy incineration.
We have the same thing here. It serves a great purpose. Not someplace I would want to live close to though.
I think the town dump can be the most interesting place in town. You meet everyone there :)
Glad to see you are showing the good the bad and the ugly side of your town. I also intend to do this,but sometimes fall into the trap of just another sunset.
Makes for a more ineresting photo though, showing a side you wouldn't normally see, so for that,it's agood photo.
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