This house looks out over our valley, and yes, right down into our pasture. Sometimes I wonder if they enjoy sitting out on their deck and watching our horses. I know I would, if I lived up there. The scenery from up there is amazing, looking out over West and South Paris. Someday I'll have to visit and ask to take pictures. The people who live there just moved in last summer, so I haven't met them yet. I thought their house looked very pretty this morning, after all the snow we got yesterday...
It does look pretty. Go meet them, I bet they'd love that!
You live in a real paradise!
Lovely place. I enjoy watching the horses so I imagine they do too.
Great to see boys sitting quietly--for a moment. I have had 3 young boys here for the past few days and they can get LOUD. Today we made a fort in the living room and that was fine for awhile and now they found their Aunt's (my daughter Jolene) trucks and I said they could play with them......carefully LOL MB
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