I'll tell you what, it's not often that you can get 2, much less 3 boys, between the ages of 8 & 10 to stop running around playing and read together. They just have such varying interests and can never agree on what book to read! However, when they saw this book that was written by my cousin, Heath, they all sat right down and took turns reading out loud to each other. (Without bickering or anything!) They loved it! So, I'm highly recommending that you go find the book, The Day the Frogs Went Hopping Mad by Heath A. Roberts. It's a wonderfully imaginative story that they are still talking about many days later...
I guess I should have explained that - my 2 boys had a friend visiting...
LOL, I'm with Jim! I was wondering if number 3 was a stealth baby,lol...That is cool, we'll have to check it out since it got your boys seal of approval!
dont think it is available in india though
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