Our pets are members of the family and we don't forget them at Christmas. The doggies got treats and the kitties got cat nip! The boys & I spent a couple of afternoons stitching little fabric mice, which we stuffed with nip. Aly thought this was a wonderful idea and got right in the middle of everything! She rolled in the catnip and spread it all over the house. It was really funny! I heard from my sister-in-law Christmas morning. Sometime during the night her kitties had discovered their presents under the tree, tore the wrapping paper off and had a cat nip party!
haha, that's funny! Cute idea!
Too funny. I grew catnip for awhile and only one of our cats was interested in it. I gave some to my friend who raised Maine Coon Cats and those kitties went absolutely crazy over it. Funny to watch. MB
Funny we got little catnip mice for our cats. They love playing with them.
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