Roosty is the patriarch of our farm. He arrived on our doorstep (Someone literally dropped him off while we weren't home!) many years ago. Our oldest, then just a toddler, took an immediate liking to him and carried him all over the place. I kept a close eye on them because roosters don't always make the best of pets, but Roosty was wonderful. And he's always been good to the hens, as well. A couple of times, during the last few years, I have made the mistake of suggesting that perhaps Roosty is getting past his prime and we should replace him with a younger breeding rooster. The boys won't hear of it! So, Roosty will stay for as long as he likes...
I've never heard of people dropping roosters off on doorsteps,lol...Glad Roosty found a good home with you :)
Hello Crittoria !
Nice photo !
Do You live in a farm ???
HAHA, cant get rid of a pet. So he will have to disappear when the boys are at school.
So you wake up quite early on the morning, don't you? ;-))
Good ol Roosty.
Roosty is a lucky fella!
By the look on his face, Roosty understood your comments and does not agree. Better keep him around. :)
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