Today our team penning club held a Ranch Sorting - 13 cows are put into a 60 foot round pen with a 12 foot gate opening. 10 of the cows are numbered 0 through 9, the other 3 are blanks that are put in there to complicate matters! Each team of 2 riders has either 60 seconds, or 90 seconds, depending on the level of competition. One rider will stand his horse in the middle of the gate, hoping to stop any cows that try to rush out, while the other rider enters the herd and tries to sort out cows numerically, starting with an assigned number. After the rider drives out each cow, he will switch with the rider in the gate. The object is to get all 10 cows of the pen in order, within the time allotted. It's fast paced, WICKED FUN sport!! This photo is of one of our Quebec friends running his cow out the gate. QUICKLY!!
I have tried several times to get good rodeo pictures and never with results like this. You have a magic touch.
Excellent picture, I love the look on his face.
I always liked the sorting--sometimes better than the penning. MB
I'm like Steve - can't quite get the capture down. Great job!
This is a great action shot! What kind of camera do you use?
I use a Sony Alpha 100 with a Sigma DG 28-200 mm 1:3.5-5.6 D lens. And, in the interest of full disclosure, the lens makes all the difference. I was satisfied with my alpha when I first got it, but once I put on this lens, I started getting really awesome shots!! If I do say so myself. ;-)
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