Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I took this photo a couple of weeks ago and am posting it today in tribute to the white gander, Pilgrim. He disappeared over the weekend. We can find no evidence of 'fowl play', but it's highly unlikely that he just wandered off without his mate. We miss him. He lived with us for almost 10 years. Peep Peep, yes, my boys named her ;-) is very lonely without him...

1 comment:

Joanie said...

Hi ~ my name is Joanie and I came across your blog a while back. I really enjoy your daily photo shots (and am considering starting one myself, as it's such a blessing and inspiration ~ though you truly live in a beautiful place and I'm in the middle of a large city). I'm sorry to hear about the disappearance of Pilgrim, though the picture is precious!