It's hard having a birthday during the winter 'cause you can't play with all your new 'toys'....he was very patient & waited until most of the mud had dried up for this much anticipated first ride! He decided that he really likes his new dirt bike!!
Aly loves it when I weave...and she always has to get right in the middle of it!! After rolling around & playing with the reed for a while, she laid inside the loops & took a nap. It was quite humorous! She was a very happy kitty.
The girls wanted to make their own Easter baskets, so I pulled out a bunch of materials from my stash & they went to work. They found it frustrating at times, but definitely fun! I loved all the different colors & patterns that they chose - very creative!
One of our hens was overly productive today...seriously! This egg is waaaay bigger than what they normally lay!! It's HUGE!!!! For those of you that are skeptical...we measured it!! (That's a normal-sized egg on the other side of the tape measure.) 'Course now we can't eat it 'cause it's just too cool & they want to show everyone...
Today has been so beautiful that I almost feel like a kid playing 'hooky'...but, alas, I'm not. One of the kiddos is sick, so I stayed home with him. However, while he was napping this morning, Izzy & I escaped for a quick walk up the big hill. We even sneaked in a quick visit with our neighbors!
Therefore, I'm posting a photo from a wonderful day spent at the oceanside with my boys this past summer. We were roasting HOT & I can't wait to feel like that again!